Soto Zen
A million fragments unfragmented – Zen Master Dogen’s mirror koan
Koan from The Shinji Shobogenzo, Book 3, Case 19When Master Kyozan Ejaku was master of Tohei Temple, Master Isan Reiyu sent him a letter along with a mirror. The package […]
Working on Tenzo Zen Cooking Notes…
In the last couple of weeks, with the kitchen work still fresh in my mind since being up at Ardfern with the Zen Group, I started getting some notes jotted […]
Ardfern Zen Retreat – a few recipes from the Tenzo…
Here are a few recipes and images (many thanks to Ylva Champion for her photos) from the kitchen during the retreat. Huge thanks to all that helped with the food […]
Dogen’s white heron poem: a Zen commentary by John Fraser
I have been thinking quite a bit recently about the mindset and visuals of Japanese Waka/Tanka and (the shorter, short song) of Haiku which came later. By good fortune at […]
Arran Zen Retreat
In July the Glasgow Zen Group had their summer retreat down at Kilmory in the south of Arran. It was great to have a longer sustained period of Zazen meditation […]
Depth of Reflection – notes on David Lynch and Dogen
I made this small visual note after running along the Firth and Forth Canal, the reflections can be so deep, somehow reality is deepened. The space is literally deeper, becoming […]
2012 – The Year of the Dragon
‘When a dragon howls in its hidden cave, The entire universe becomes quiet; When a tiger roars on a cliff’s edge, A cold valley becomes warm. Katsu!’ Master Dogen Going […]
New Year Zen Retreat
Over the new year weekend I went to the inaugural Glasgow Zen Group retreat, or sesshin, at Kagyu Samye Dzong in Glasgow’s west end. Every morning up at half past […]