Tokyo Omotesando Exhibition, Gallery 80, November 2012 ギャラリー80
若林舟城/ブレア・トムソン 二人展 若林舟城(書家)、ブレア・トムソン(アーティスト)による二人展 11.13(火)- 11.18(日)2012 12:00~19:00(最終日は17:00まで)無料 Gallery80[ギャラリー・エイティ] 〒150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前4-12-10 表参道ヒルズ 西館1F W104 ○東京メトロ銀座線・千代田線・半蔵門線「表参道駅」A2出口より徒歩3分 ○東京メトロ千代田線・副都心線「明治神宮前〈原宿〉駅」5出口より徒歩3分 ○JR山手線「原宿駅」表参道口より徒歩7分 若林舟城先生プロフィール: 「受賞歴」 昭和41年11月3日 大沢野町長表彰(第1回) 昭和59年8月11日 富山県体育協会功労章 昭和60年11月3日 富山県教育委員会表彰(スポーツ) 昭和61年9月28日 (社)日本空手協会片岡精励章 平成5年11月3日 富山県体育功労賞(知事表彰) 平成6年11月1日 大沢野町施行40周年特別表彰 平成8年8月31日 富山陸上競技協会功労章 平成10年10月10日 文部省体育功労者表彰(大臣表彰) […]
Selecting artworks for Gallery 80, Tokyo
I’m getting everything together just now for the show in Omotesando Hills, Gallery 80 ( 12-18th November). There is going to be a series of 24 small paintings and several […]
Harumafuji becomes new Yokozuna
In my spare time in the last weeks I’ve enjoyed watching a lot of open skies and cloudscapes above the distant hills, plus the visual spectacle and ritual Ozumo September […]
Working on new artist film projects
With the Tokyo Omotesando show coming up, I’ve been working with several parallel visual and sound ideas, one strand is the abstract film stuff which has been fun and absorbing […]
Exciting final day Sumo matches
The 2012 Natsu Basho (summer tournament) was thrilling to the last day, with an extra match needed – Yushoketesen – to decide the winner. Kyokutenhou, the 37 year old veteran […]
Ozumo Update Tokyo Basho. 5 days to go – who will win?
It has been an eventful tournament so far and the sumo in the last few days has been riveting stuff! Very unusually, Yokozuna Hakuho has been having an unfortunate time, […]
The May Grand Sumo Tournament on in Tokyo
The Natsu Basho is up and wrestling! I’m quite into the whole Ozumo experience and have been watching since it started on Sunday. There are six tournaments per year, three […]
Bruce Peter’s Grand Ferry Tour of Japan
My good friend Bruce Peter (academic at Glasgow School of Art and design and maritime journalist) is recently returned to Scotland after three weeks of travel in Japan, sailing on […]
Tokyo Omotesando Exhibition, Gallery 80, November 2012
I’ve been busy working away on various art projects for this show, which I’m greatly looking forward to. I am grateful to be invited to make new work for this […]