Walking and Drawing, Cairngorms, Scotland, Part 2
snow flakes dancing around in the sunlight finished no more haiku just footstep after footstep
Tracks, trails, omens
Has been a long winter in Scotland and have been out through various trails. Wandering through these half forgotten, foggy forestry roads in the hills. Spider webs and open voids, […]
squealing blades cracked sun smoking snow trailing ice-grooves stone by stone shirking booming gusts
Developing and connecting drawings, paintings, contours…
The drawings have been coming together more lately. Lines, textures, overlapping transparent hues… I’m continuing to search for links between different elements and techniques – working directly from looking at […]
Working on new artist film projects
With the Tokyo Omotesando show coming up, I’ve been working with several parallel visual and sound ideas, one strand is the abstract film stuff which has been fun and absorbing […]
Working on the coast, South Uist
It was great to be out around the quiet lands, lochs and coasts of the Outer Hebrides, there was a lot to get into photography wise and with drawing and […]