Hey, Manga Camera!
If you have an iPhone, why don’t you try this fun app? Your photos will merge into the comic world! 漫画カメラ(Manga-Camera) ↓ http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/manga-camera/id557883632?mt=8
Harumafuji becomes new Yokozuna
In my spare time in the last weeks I’ve enjoyed watching a lot of open skies and cloudscapes above the distant hills, plus the visual spectacle and ritual Ozumo September […]
Arran Zen Retreat
In July the Glasgow Zen Group had their summer retreat down at Kilmory in the south of Arran. It was great to have a longer sustained period of Zazen meditation […]
Sumo at Nagoya Basho heating up
It has been a hot and somewhat lacking in energy tournament but Ozeki level Harumafuji and Yokozuna (top rank) Hakuhou are keeping things lively by running equal with all wins […]
Exciting final day Sumo matches
The 2012 Natsu Basho (summer tournament) was thrilling to the last day, with an extra match needed – Yushoketesen – to decide the winner. Kyokutenhou, the 37 year old veteran […]
Ozumo Update Tokyo Basho. 5 days to go – who will win?
It has been an eventful tournament so far and the sumo in the last few days has been riveting stuff! Very unusually, Yokozuna Hakuho has been having an unfortunate time, […]
The May Grand Sumo Tournament on in Tokyo
The Natsu Basho is up and wrestling! I’m quite into the whole Ozumo experience and have been watching since it started on Sunday. There are six tournaments per year, three […]
Bruce Peter’s Grand Ferry Tour of Japan
My good friend Bruce Peter (academic at Glasgow School of Art and design and maritime journalist) is recently returned to Scotland after three weeks of travel in Japan, sailing on […]
Tokyo Omotesando Exhibition, Gallery 80, November 2012
I’ve been busy working away on various art projects for this show, which I’m greatly looking forward to. I am grateful to be invited to make new work for this […]