Remembering the Tohoku Earthquake
All about light silver and cereleum spaces – from the distant spring cumulus two buzzards appear as dots, gently soaring boundlessly circling
High Bridges – Walking Drawing Tokyo West from Naka Meguro
along suspended riverblocked by oncoming vertical flyovernanamemeeting high polished walls isolating the residential worldfloating gardens flowing into alloy platforms intertwined shafts, containers hummingneutral perimetersemerging and reshaping the ground and drawing […]
Touchdown Tokyo 2013
I beamed down into Tokyo towards the end of last month, looking forward to unknown adventures… Halloween was close by and the megacity was dark early but brimming with energy […]
Exhibiting Drawings at Factory Hanbunko gallery, Takaoka, Japan
I’m really looking forward to exhibiting some drawings at the Factory Hanbunko Gallery in Takaoka, Japan, in November this year. The city is near the Japan Sea in a beautiful […]
Two years on from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
11th March 2011 Two years have now passed, and we wish to send our warmest wishes from Scotland, UK, to all those affected in Tohoku and around Japan. roaming sea-roads […]
Working on new city themed artist’s film
In the last couple of weeks, or certainly since the last heavier snows, I’ve been putting together a strange new film piece taking in lots of city and infrastructure footage, […]
Night and Day Wanderin’ in Tokyo – some collected images
Day Cafe Tabacco – thankfully passing by this one. Heading towards Chiba Ken. Making some marks, looking out above rooftops, past a few scrapers and Honmonji Koen… Smiley Daikokuten god […]
Drawing and photographing from Edo Gawa River to Yokohama
Transparent green watersBelow red iron and grey blue cracked concrete –Winter sunshine fades quickly across Edogawa. High, looking along the TamagawaHanging over a balconyPhotographing in the cobalt Pacific sky