Transient worlds within worlds, and divergence – with translations of Basho and Ryoukan
within the thin covering snow Three Thousand Worlds again inside this world fragile snow falls Ryoukan vision of decay in mind, the wind permeates the body Basho at the month’s […]
Two haiku poems
Fallen Leaves with a rustling sound fallen leaves pursue and pass others on the ground Tatsuko The Scarecrow in the setting sun the scarecrow’s shadow leans out to the road […]
Autumnal haiku poems
Autumn-Twilight The hills cast shadows, And pampas grass is swaying In sunlit meadows. Buson Autumn Moon Is there anyone Who will not take up his brush With this moon tonight! […]
Walking and Drawing, Cairngorms, Scotland, Part 2
snow flakes dancing around in the sunlight finished no more haiku just footstep after footstep
Tracks, trails, omens
Has been a long winter in Scotland and have been out through various trails. Wandering through these half forgotten, foggy forestry roads in the hills. Spider webs and open voids, […]
Spontaneous Glasgow Haiku
Breezy breezy And four guys Up on the roof びゅーんびゅん 四人の男が 屋根の上 Blue-flashing-grey Rainbow whistles Soaring gulls and swaying trees 青色ー点滅ー灰色 虹の口笛 舞い上がるカモメに木が揺れる
A thought on Zazen and painting
Zazen Silent movement Passing through the stillness And empty form. This wee haiku is a thought on zazen and experience. After my recent studio shift, zazen and considering the looser […]
Hill-walking up through frozen moon snow, Ben Vrackie Scotland
moon snow guided by the rolling moon heated by the february sun Glinting and sunbeams – obscured horizons Above animal tracks, boot prints, Mountain hare prints in blue-white snow – […]