drawing & painting
New piece for Roger Billcliffe Gallery
The Glasgow based Roger Billcliffe Gallery asked me for some work for their ’20:20 vision’ (Summer Exhibition 2012 from 16th june through july) and I popped round from the studio […]
Abernethy Art Trip 2012 – Part 1
‘Twas an excellent trip up north in the Cairngorms and Aviemore area again this year with the Hamilton College Art Department – very energising, artistically productive and lots of laughs […]
Drawing at sea on the Waverley
With all the speedy intense movements and rhythms in the ship’s engines to work from, it was good fun sketching loosely with the coloured pens in the sketchbook, using various […]
Into the Atlantic Ocean to Oban and Colonsay on the Waverley
At the end of last week I sailed on the famous Waverley for the first time, the last ocean going paddle steamer, with my pal Bruce Peter, writer and maritime […]
Cycling and sketching outdoors – heading East
Taking advantage of the fabulous weather last week, I got on my bike with pannier bag loaded with drawing and camera equiptment, plus the essential flask of ice cold coffee, […]
Starting some oil painting for galleries
I’ve been asked by a couple of galleries in Scotland to make new works around one meter square and smaller. I’m planning to use acrylic and mixed media to splash […]
Drawing and walking through the cityscape
In the last week I’ve been wondering around the urbanscape continuing and trying to develop my recent series of more free drawings. The Sketchbook Monster is on the loose. The […]
Drawing through the factory floor and beyond
Down with the pens for a day and had fun experimenting with tablet drawings! Working partly from memory but keeping in mind a factory visit I drew at. Looking for […]